The future of the commercial satellite imagery industry
I love Joe Morrison’s LinkedIn posts; from posting memes to sharing his latest discovery about SAR and from posting updates on his quest towards becoming a LinkedIn "synthetic aperture radar influencer" to sharing snapshots captured by Umbra satellites.
I find the way he views the industry insightful and even thought-provoking.
Recently, while scrolling on LinkedIn, I’ve found a few posts and articles discussing the future of the EO market. (and a few weeks ago I shared Adam Keith’s recent post "Everything is (kinda) awesome in Earth observation").
People have been talking about the future of the EO market; they discuss about the sustainability of the industry, the challenges towards expanding to different markets, the fact that the EO market still relies heaving on government funding, the difficulties shifting to a B2B business model. Everyone who follows Aravind and reads his content probably understands that EO adoption isn’t straighforward; as he says, there is "a gap in the understanding of satellite data adoption". Some of the difficulties are perfectly highlighted under "Risk and Challenges" in this investment thesis.
Joe Morisson recently shared his "most controversial belief'" about the commercial satellite imagery industry;
"This industry shouldn’t and won’t exist in the future!"
"Ultimately, I believe all data should be free to end users; in the future real-time information about the Earth’s surface will be considered a human right. The obvious and inevitable end state is government-sponsored open access."
If this isn’t thought provoking, I don’t know what is…!
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